
EngCoolProp Interfaces The Coolprop Project with English Units

CoolProp uses SI units for calculating fluid properties. For those of us in industries that rely on English/Engineering units, EngCoolProp provides an interface.

See the Code at:

See the Docs at:

See PyPI page at:

See the CoolProp project at:

EngCoolProp uses units of primarily inch, lbm, lbf, sec, BTU (some use of ft and hour).:

The following are the default units for each property.

T    = Temperature = degR
Tc   = Critical Temperature = degR
Tnbp = Normal Boiling Point = degR
P    = Pressure = psia
Pc   = Critical Pressure = psia
D    = Density = lbm/cu ft
rho  = Density = lbm/cu inch
Dc   = Critical Density = lbm/cu ft
E    = Internal Energy = BTU/lbm
H    = Enthalpy = BTU/lbm
S    = Entropy = BTU/lbm degR
Cv   = Heat Capacity (const. V) = BTU/lbm degR
Cp   = Heat Capacity (const. P) = BTU/lbm degR
g    = Ratio of Specific Heats (Cp/Cv) = (-)
A    = Sonic Velocity = ft/sec
V    = Viscosity = 1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec
C    = Thermal Conductivity = BTU/ft-hr-R
MW   = Molecular Weight = lbm/lbmmole
Q    = Quality (fraction gas) = (-)
Z    = Compressibility() = (-)



Indices and tables